New Year's Goals

Dear Sweet Friends,

 Starting this New Year, I have been extremely reflective. I'm not sure if it's because I turn 40 this year or after 18 New Year's at Ye Peddler, I really want to share with you and live out loud. You all mean so much to me. Ye Peddler has allowed me to be a small part of your beautiful moments and I never take that for granted. My best guess is that we have registered over 4000 couples since 1974 and hand tied over 65000 beautiful bows. I've had over sixty lovely women on staff serving our community and several going on to open their own businesses. I've experienced two wonderful business partners and even started a second business.

 The truth is I love fresh starts, and my goal this year is to create a thoughtful, gracious environment. I want Ye Peddler to feel like a sanctuary that you can enjoy on a gray day. I want to uplift my customers with intentional inspiration and provide gifts & home decor that delight the soul. It will definitely take a few months for the transformation, but I hope you can feel the difference we are making as you visit our home. My prayer is that we will touch lives in a meaningful way through the work we do.


Many Blessings this New Year!


Rachel Hughes

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